Summary Tables

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Author 1
Concepts explored /  Variables measured 2
Sampling approach 
Data collection approach 
Critique Comments 3


1 list first author (and ‘et al.’ if required) and publication year; you may also list the country of the work in this column; consider whether to list the papers in alphabetical or publishing year order
2 identify concepts of interest (in qualitative studies) or variables measured from the ‘methods’ section of the papers (for quantitative studies; this may include specific measuring instruments used) 
3 column can be deleted from your final version of table, with information used as narrative critique of studies in the body of the paper




Sample    ( n / N 1.  -     Description )

Findings 2 

Comments 3


1  final sample compared to proposed or initial sample; e.g. losses to follow-up
2 for qualitative studies, note the key themes or issues identified; for quantitative studies, note specific variables and statistical significance if reported 
3 column can be deleted from final version of table, with information used for a narrative synthesis of studies in the body of the paper 



  • Adapt the headings to suit your study question and the key characteristics from the included studies. 
  • One trick here is to write only phrases or key terms in the table cells, not full sentences


Image result for concept map example

concept maps

  • Assist in organising my understanding of my selected topic area.
  •  Organise knowledge that:

    • Highlights concepts and relationships
      • linking words specify the relationship
    • Commonly hierarchical
      • General to specific (top to bottom)
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