I have read Chapter 1 of the Nursing and midwifery research book. Below is my key reflection on the chapter's most inspiring content and how this information would enhance my research skills.
What really surprised me about this chapter was the specific responsibilities for each educational level, whether bachelor, master, or doctoral degree. After completing the master's level, I learned that I would be an active member of the research team and collaborate with an experienced researcher in proposal development and data collection.
As I learn more about the two forms of knowledge, and as a nurse, I should use both forms when I make a decision r/t my clinical practice.
As a nurse, I do not need to conduct research to contribute to my clinical practice because it's acceptable to improve outcomes by having the skills to read research reports critically.
The chapter also mentions how education in nursing links theory to practice. Through education, I will be a knowledgeable research consumer and have a better understanding of the research process, which eventually will encourage me to participate in research activities.
Overall, the chapter has been extremely helpful, and it is great to find out that RN can improve clinical practice and outcomes without conducting research. As a result, I will try my best to ensure that the best evidence-based practice supports my future practice.

My Area of Interest
My area of interest is becoming a Nurse Educator in a critical care area who can provide the highest quality of care for critically ill patients during emergency situations. And, after completing the Evidence-Based Practice in the 1st semester, I learned about the importance of evidence and how we can get the information that we are looking for from valid and accurate resources. However, more skills are needed, and during this journey, I believe that I will acquire all the research skills that are going to assist me in examining and contributing to practice and research to achieve clinical excellence in my area of interest.

The Impact of New Information
As mentioned in chapter one, all graduate nurses in Australia are upgrading their qualifications to degree level and above. Also, research continues to expand despite the difficulties being experienced. As a result, it will be expected from us as nurses to welcome change and NEW INFORMATION because such a change has a positive impact on the evidence base for practice, education, policy or theory development. To support this, the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) is rewarding the magnet status to hospitals that are demonstrating a high standard of excellence in five areas, and New knowledge, innovations, and improvements were included in the standards to encourage innovation throughout the organization. And this proves that new information has a significant impact on our practices.

Duquesne University School of Nursing. (2020, April 29). What is a magnet hospital? Duquesne University. https://onlinenursing.duq.edu/blog/what-is-a-magnet-hospital/
Whitehead, D., LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J., & Haber, J. (2013). Nursing and midwifery research : Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral.proquest.comLinks to an external site.